Vox Pop is an activist recharging center where people feel joy, peace, and connection. 

We sell delicious coffee, healthy food, and are constantly attracting people in with author events, free classes, and live music– to celebrate liberation and positive social change.

Vox Pop is the detox antidote to all the political insanity of our world!

We are a coffeehouse and a refuge! 

Vox Pop is all about causes and campaigns, food and drink, open mikes, and performances.

We create large gatherings of customers with inspiring speakers, legal clinics, job training, free classes, theatre, discussions and debates. 

We’re building the first nationally-scalable cooperative model; worker-owned, democratic, and ready to grow.

We are a democratically run, worker-owned cooperative. 

We project that Vox Pop will be worth about $28 MM in five years.

Vox Pop animated explainer video:

Stay in Touch with Us!

  • From 2004 to 2009, Vox Pop was a legendary NYC coffeehouse that created a mass movement of grassroots social change, new movements, new book and newspaper publications, and a ton of public events. We helped transform a neighborhood, in Ditmas Park, Flatbush, Brooklyn. So many people have asked the founders to start it up again.

    In 2025, we declare that the best is yet to come.

  • Vox Pop: The Coffeehouse Brand to Change the World

    The New Manifesto by Casey Carbone and Sander Hicks

    Vox Pop is more than just a coffeehouse. Vox Pop is a promise. We are more than a brand. Vox Pop is community education, live events, and the mass elevation of consciousness. We are about causes and campaigns, legal clinics and jobs training, activists and idealists, discussion, debates, and radical politics. 

    We make the kind of coffee that makes you feel unstoppable. Meanwhile, we spread the ideas that actually do make you unstoppable.

    Vox Pop is about three things: cooperatives, coffee, and community.


    Vox Pop is a worker-owned cooperative. Cooperatives are a means of bridging the gap between the capitalist class and the working class. As a Cooperative, we practice non-violence, in the lineage of Jesus, Buddha, and MLK. They teach politics rooted in love of the people, and emancipation from violence, racism, and war. We seek the empowerment of everyday people as radical agents of change. 


    The foundation of our business model is the joyful economics of serving some of the best coffee in New York: fair trade, robust, fruit-forward, organic coffee from international sources. The Fair Trade movement sets a high standard for ecological sustainability and workplace democracy. We are not alone.


    Vox Pop is a community center and a political incubator. It is a consciousness-raiser, a space of shared struggle and rambunctious open mics. We support the voice of the people in struggle. We teach media literacy by producing community media projects, in print and online. Together with its community of customers, Vox Pop produces events centered around music, authors, politics, and positive social change. 

    Join us!


Please apply to be a worker/owner here. We are putting together the team for Vox Pop #1. Apply.